OUR Courses

What we Offer

Our programs make a difference because our unique learning methodologies combine intelligence techniques and practices, real-life and absorbing cases, and critical thinking methods to maximise participant learning. We immerse our participants and challenge them to think for themselves as a participant in their own learning – to be the best they can be.

All courses can be tailored, combined or modularised to suit individual and specific needs.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

The course uses a blend of intelligence and other problem solving and structured analytic techniques, alongside real-life cases and problems, to help develop and apply critical thinking skills to generate ideas, explore new possibilities, solve problems and make better decisions.

Intelligence Fundamentals – 3 days

Outlines Intelligence fundamental processes and the intelligence cycle and then introduces the generic structured analytic techniques used by most intelligence analysts. Includes engaging and practical exercises and a major desktop application where participants identify their information needs, apply analytic techniques and provide predictive briefings about an intelligence problem.

Structured Analytic Techniques (SATs) workshop for Intelligence Analysts- 1 or 2 days

Explores the benefits of how structured analytic techniques might improve the quality of analysis and analytic products. 
Participants examine real-life and historically accurate law enforcement cases and practice a variety of structured analytical techniques. Assumes an existing knowledge of generic intelligence processes.

Advanced Structured Analytic Techniques (SATs) – 1 or 2 days

Extends on the earlier SATs workshop and provides participants with the opportunity to use more complex structure analytic techniques by examining real-life and historically accurate law enforcement cases and applying more complex techniques.

Threat and Risk Assessment – 1 day

After providing familiarisation with threat, risk and harm concepts and terminology, the course delivers an understanding of threat and risk in law enforcement and strategic intelligence environments to inform decision-making processes, priority settings and targeting decisions. Participants practice a variety of structured analytic techniques that may assist with the development of threat assessments.

Financial Intelligence (FININT) – 5 days – a world first!

The course provides a definition of FININT, how it works within the intelligence eco-system, and delivers a FININT framework and approach to conduct financial intelligence analysis. Includes understanding financial information and data, connections, capabilities and motivations and how to draw inferences, alongside data manipulation techniques to deliver high quality FININT – with practical applications and group exercises to consolidate the concepts introduced.

Introduction to Digital Currencies and the Darknet – 1 day

Introduces participants to digital and virtual currencies, crypto currencies including Bitcoin and provides an explanation of blockchain. Includes insights into cybercrime, the Darkweb, Darknet Marketplaces, with engaging practical exercises and live demonstrations throughout.