About Us

We are criminal and financial intelligence training and framework design and delivery experts.

Our Philosophy

The philosophy of Tenth Intelligence is simple – we want you to be the best you can be, to unlock your full potential.

Our Services

Design and delivery of world class intelligence courses, frameworks and processes

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Who are we

what do we do?

We specialise in tailoring and delivering world-class intelligence, analytic and critical thinking programs to unlock the potential of individuals and teams – for Government, law enforcement and intelligence agencies, business and private industry nationally and internationally.

OUR Courses

What we Offer

Critical and Creative Thinking - 2 days

Develop and apply critical thinking skills to generate ideas, explore new possibilities, solve problems and make better decisions.

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Intelligence Fundamentals – 3 days

Outlines Intelligence fundamental processes and the intelligence cycle.

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Financial Intelligence (FININT) – 5 days

The course provides a new methodology and framework to conduct financial intelligence analysis.

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Structured Analytic Techniques (SATs) workshop

Explores the benefits of how structured analytic techniques might improve the quality of analysis and analytic products.

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Advanced Structured Analytic Techniques (SATs) – 1 or 2 days

Extends on the earlier SATs workshop and provides participants with the opportunity.

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Threat and Risk Assessment – 1 day

After providing familiarisation with threat, risk and harm concepts and terminology , the course delivers an understanding of threat .

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Leading intelligence functions in complex environments – 1 day

This tailored course is for current and aspiring intelligence managers and leaders seeking to build skills in intelligence leadership.

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Building and designing an intelligence function – 1 day

This tailored course is for current and emerging leaders in intelligence with responsibility for designing, building or delivering intelligence within organisations with complex, competing and evolving needs.

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Introduction to Digital Currencies and the Darknet – 1 day

Introduces participants to digital and virtual currencies, crypto currencies including Bitcoin and provides an explanation of blockchain. Includes insights into cybercrime, the Darkweb, Darknet Marketplaces, with engaging practical exercises and live demonstrations throughout.

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  • Design of intelligence frameworks, processes, standards and methodologies (e.g. intelligence philosophy, tactical and strategic intelligence processes, quality assurance and control, job roles and capabilities)
  • Development of international and national engagement and information sharing strategies
  • Capability assessments and training needs analysis of intelligence units and staff
  • Assistance with intelligence staff recruitment, selection, design of work sample tests and job capability development

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What our clients say?


"The techniques and tools learned will be easy to apply to the workplace and will enhance operational and strategic products"


"More of these are needed, even half day refreshers"


"Very interesting, informative and interactive"


"The most valuable part was the discussion and application of analytic tools and methods. Also the principle of introducing rigour to the intelligence process"


“The course is interesting and knowledgeable, hope such courses will continue”


“It has widened my knowledge about organised crime and other related crime in Nigeria and the world in general.”

Meet our expert consultants and experienced intelligence course trainers

Our programs make a difference because our unique learning methodologies combine intelligence techniques and practices, real-life and absorbing cases, and critical thinking methods to maximise participant learning. We immerse our participants and challenge them to think for themselves as a participant in their own learning.